
Monkey and Mango Story ?

The Money and Mango story is a popular anecdote used to illustrate the concept of opportunity cost in economics. It goes like this: Once upon a time, a man had only 10 rupees in his pocket. He was feeling hungry and decided to spend his money wisely. He went to the market and saw a fruit vendor selling mangoes. The mangoes looked delicious, and the man wanted to buy them. However, he also noticed that there was another vendor selling samosas nearby. The man loved samosas too and was tempted to buy them instead. He thought hard about how to spend his money wisely. After some contemplation, the man decided to buy mangoes with his 10 rupees. He enjoyed eating the sweet mangoes and felt satisfied. Later, he saw someone eating samosas and felt a bit envious. He realized that if he had bought samosas instead of mangoes, he could have enjoyed them too. However, he reminded himself that he made a choice based on what he wanted most at that moment. The moral of the story is that whenever we make a decision, we must consider the value of what we give up to get something else. In this case, the man gave up the opportunity to enjoy samosas in exchange for enjoying mangoes. This concept is known as opportunity cost in economics, where the cost of an alternative choice is what must be given up to pursue the chosen option.